Njarange Area Project,
UK Registered Charity
No. 1085415
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Site design:
Bryn Evans 2012
NAPK has previously helped to fund a clinic In Njarange. Fortunately, t
he people in the Njarange area now have access to a hospital, some
distance away, for more serious cases.
Current health issues in the area include  HIV/AIDS education, education
about FGM, and the purchase and distribution of mosquito nets, which are
essential in the fight against malaria.
The clinic in Njarange
osquito nets save lives, especially
If treated with insecticide
A mosquito net offers protection against mosquitos, flies, and other insects, and thus against diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, and various forms of encephalitis, including the West Nile virus, if used properly and especially if treated with an insecticide, which can double effectiveness. The fine, see-through, mesh construction stops many insects from biting and disturbing the person using the net. The mesh is fine enough to exclude these insects, but it does not completely impede the flow of air. Insecticide-treated nets (ITN) are estimated to be twice as effective as untreated nets, and offer greater than 70% protection compared with no net. NAPK has responded to a request for these essential items, providing £800 for their purchase.